Smoking cessation: Tips to resist your cravings for tobacco

Every tobacco user while trying to quit smoking, find it difficult to resist the urge to use tobacco. If you are planning to quit smoking, doctors at a family clinic Nashville can help you. At the same time, they can also provide you some self-help tips that would help to resist your tobacco cravings. In this article, we will discuss some useful tips that you can follow through your journey of smoking cessation. Nicotine replacement therapy You can consult your doctor regarding nicotine replacement therapy. They might prescribe non-nicotine medications such as varenicline and bupropion. Otherwise, they can even prescribe nicotine in the form of nasal spray or inhaler. You might try nicotine gum or lozenges as well. Nicotine gum, lozenges, sprays, etc are safe alternatives and can help you overcome your cravings for nicotine. However, you need to use them in combination with non-nicotine medications. Electronic cigarettes are becoming a popular alternative to traditional cigarettes. Ho...