Basic Health Screenings for Women below Age 40

Irrespective of how healthy you appear to be on the surface, you must visit your healthcare providers regularly for a routine health check-up. In the long run, these visits would offer you various benefits. It includes early diagnosis of medical issues, evaluating the possible risk of any future health concerns, update vaccinations, and even to lead a healthy life. 40s is a great time for women to assess their health condition. This would further help them lead a healthier life ahead. Consult your doctors at a medical clinic in Nashville to get your regular health checkups done. In this article, we will share with you some of the basic screening tests that every woman below 40 years of age must get. Blood pressure screening Ideally, you should get your blood pressure checked at least once every 2 years. Your normal blood pressure should be within the range 90 - 120 (systolic) & 60- 80 mm Hg (diastolic). However, if the systolic number is between 120 & 139 & the diastolic n...