Basic Health Screenings for Women below Age 40

Irrespective of how healthy you appear to be on the surface, you must visit your healthcare providers regularly for a routine health check-up. In the long run, these visits would offer you various benefits. It includes early diagnosis of medical issues, evaluating the possible risk of any future health concerns, update vaccinations, and even to lead a healthy life. 40s is a great time for women to assess their health condition. This would further help them lead a healthier life ahead. Consult your doctors at a medical clinic in Nashville to get your regular health checkups done. In this article, we will share with you some of the basic screening tests that every woman below 40 years of age must get.

Blood pressure screening

Ideally, you should get your blood pressure checked at least once every 2 years. Your normal blood pressure should be within the range 90 - 120 (systolic) & 60- 80 mm Hg (diastolic). However, if the systolic number is between 120 & 139 & the diastolic number is between 80 & 89 mm HG, it falls within Prehypertension or risk for Hypertension. In such cases, it is better to get your blood pressure checked every year. Also, consult your doctors at a family clinic Nashville, to learn about tips to manage your blood pressure. If you have any existing health complications such as diabetes, kidney issues, heart ailments, etc. you should get your blood pressure checked more frequently.

Cholesterol screening

Doctors recommend regular cholesterol screening for women with no known risk factors of coronary heart diseases from the age of 45 years. However, women with known risk factors for coronary heart disease should get regular cholesterol screening started at the age of 20 years. Usually, once every 5 years you should get your cholesterol screening done. However, if there is any form of lifestyle changes such as weight gain, heart ailments, kidney issues, etc. your doctors at sierra family healthcare clinic might want to monitor you more closely.

Diabetes screening

If your blood pressure is found to be around 130/80 mm Hg or above, your healthcare provider might suggest checking your blood sugar level. If your BMI (Body Mass Index) is greater than 25, it implies you are overweight. Along with it if you carry other risk factors for diabetes such as the first-degree relative with a diabetic patient or any history of heart diseases, your doctor would recommend diabetes screening.  Being overweight and having high blood pressure, if you are planning your pregnancy then also diabetes screening is required.

Eye exam

Diabetic patients are also suggested to get eye exams done every year. Women with vision problems should get eye exams done every 2 years or as recommended by their doctors.


Doctors at family clinic Nashville usually recommend for you to get your flu shots every year. At the age of 19 or after, you must get a tetanus-diphtheria and acellular pertussis (Tdap) vaccine, if you haven't received one in your adolescence. Ideally, one should get a tetanus-diphtheria booster every 10 years. Additionally, you should also get one to two doses of MMR (Measles, Mumps & Rubella) vaccine if you do not have immunity against the same. If you are at a high risk of developing health complications such as pneumonia, your doctors might suggest further immunization. If you are between ages 19 & 26 & haven't received HPV (Human Papillomavirus) vaccines in the past or left the vaccine series unfinished, your doctor might suggest getting the vaccine. Consult your doctors to learn about the vaccines and the doses that you might require.

Infectious disease screening

Doctors at the diagnostics center in Nashville usually suggest screening sexually active women for Chlamydia and gonorrhea until age 25. Older women of 25 years or above should get regularly screened if are at high risk. Every adult between the ages of 18 & 79 should get screened for Hepatitis C at least once. Based on your lifestyle & medical history, you might also need to get the screening done for health complications such as STD, or any other infections.

Breast Cancer screening

Consult with your doctors whether a breast self-exam every month is good for you or you need to go for regular cancer screening. Usually, doctors do not recommend screening mammograms for most women below 40 years of age. If any female member in your family, such as your mother or sister had breast cancer at a young age, you must consider getting yearly mammograms. If you carry any other risk factors of breast cancer, your doctor might suggest getting a mammogram, an MRI scan, or a breast ultrasound. If you notice any visible changes in your breast, consult your doctors immediately.

Cervical cancer screening

Doctors at women’s healthcare clinic Nashville suggest getting cervical cancer screening starts at the age of 21. Women between the ages of 21 & 29 should get a Pap test done every 3 years. Older women between ages 30 & 65 should undergo a Pap test every 3 years or the HPV test every 5 years. If you or your sexual partner has multiple other partners, you must get a Pap test every 3 years. Women who have already received precancer or cervical dysplasia treatment should continue to get Pap tests for 20 years after their treatment or till the age of 65 (whichever is longer). If you have undergone a total hysterectomy where your uterus and cervix are removed & you have not been diagnosed with cervical cancer, then you might not need Pap smears.

Skin exam

If you are at a high risk of getting skin cancer such as those who had skin cancer before or have close relatives with skin cancer, your doctor might check for signs of skin cancer.

Other screening

If you have a strong family history of colon cancer or polyps, or if you have inflammatory bowel disease, consult with your healthcare provider regarding whether you require screening for colon cancer.

Apart from all these screening tests, if you are at the risk of developing any other health complications, your doctor might suggest getting other health tests done. Consult your healthcare providers at a medical clinic in Nashville to learn more about the regular screening you should get & tips to take better care of your health.


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