What health risks are associated with obesity?


When your body weight is measured above what is considered to be healthy, you suffer from obesity or overweight. This type of health condition can put you at the risk of developing other serious complications. In this article, we will share with you the various health risks associated with obesity. It will help you understand that you should not overlook the harmful effects of obesity and consult your doctors on how to manage the same.

Heart Diseases

Obese people carry the health risk of developing heart diseases more than the people whose bodyweight lies between the normal range. This is because the deposition of fat over the years in arteries can narrow them down leading to the possibility of a heart attack. Additionally, obese people also suffer from high blood pressure, blood sugar, triglycerides, etc which leads to various forms of heart ailments. Consult the healthcare experts at family clinic Nashville to manage your weight so that you can avoid further complications. 


Certain risk factors are common in heart diseases and stroke. When the blood supply to the brain is cut off, a person suffers from a stroke. It causes harm to the tissues in the brain which further can lead to speech and language impairment, cognitive skills, etc. A review of 25 studies conducted in 2010 with around 2.3 million patients, obesity increases the risk of stroke occurrence by 64 percent.

High blood Pressure

If you have excess fat tissue in your body, it implies that it will need excess oxygen and nutrients. To meet this requirement, your heart needs to pump more blood so that the blood vessels can circulate the same to the fat tissues. This increase in blood circulation is termed as high blood pressure which causes excess pressure on the artery walls. If this situation persists it can harm your arteries and heart. Hence, you need to manage your weight to keep your blood pressure at a normal level. Besides, putting less pressure on your heart can help in preventing various heart diseases. A medical clinic in Nashville can help in weight management so that you can live a healthy life without the risk of developing these health issues. 

Type 2 diabetes  

This health complication is characterized by higher levels of glucose in your blood that what is normal. It can further lead to other health complications such as stroke, heart ailments, kidney disease, damages to the nerve, etc. Doctors usually recommend that if you are obese, losing around five to seven percent of body weight along with practicing moderate exercises can delay or even prevent the development of Type 2 diabetes.

Sleep Apnea

People suffering from sleep apnea experience momentary stopping of breathing during sleep. Obese people are at a higher risk of developing this health condition. The reason is the accumulation of fat around the neck leads to smaller airways. This condition causes the affected person to snore and experience difficulty in breathing while they sleep. Losing weight can help in reducing the risk of sleep apnea. Consult sierra family healthcare clinic to understand how you can manage your weight and avoid developing sleep apnea.

Liver Disease

Obese people can develop a health condition called fatty liver disease when excess fat is deposited in the liver. It can harm your liver or lead to the growth of scar tissue, a health issue known as cirrhosis. Fatty liver disease does not exhibit any symptoms, however, they can lead to liver failure. Along with managing weight, you must avoid consuming alcohol to prevent the development of this health complication. 

Gallbladder disease

Gallbladder in our body stores a substance called bile that is passed to the small intestine to help in the process of digestion. If you are obese, you are at a higher risk of developing gallstones. It occurs when the bile is accumulated and hardens in the gallbladder. The only way to treat them is to remove them through surgeries. Diet rich in fibers can help in preventing the development of gallstones. You should also avoid consuming refined grains such as bread, pasta, etc to avoid the same. 

Certain forms of cancer

The relation between obesity and the development of cancer might not be as clear as the ones mentioned above. However, obese people are at a higher risk of developing cancer in the colon, breast, gallbladder, kidney, prostate, uterus, ovaries, etc.

Complications during pregnancy

Pregnant women who are also obese are likelier to develop insulin resistance along with high blood pressure and blood sugar. This can further increase the risk of complications during your pregnancy and also at the time of delivery. The additional health issues that pregnant women may also experience are gestational diabetes, blood clots, premature birth, miscarriage, heavy bleeding post-delivery, etc. You should consult your doctor at family clinic Nashville regarding managing weight to avoid developing these forms of complications.


Sometimes, obese people experience discrimination and humiliation due to their body weight. It can make them doubt their self-worth which further can cause depression. If you or any of your loved ones I suffering from obesity and experience depression, you must seek your doctor's help in finding a mental health counselor who can help you in dealing with the issues. 
Before obesity can lead to the development of other forms of health complications, seek your doctor’s help regarding the same. They can help in developing an action plan to manage your weight.


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