How can doctors help to remove Ear wax blockage?

Cerumen or earwax reduces the risk of infection. It also prevents your ear canal from feeling itchy and uncomfortable. In addition, it removes hair, dirt, dead skin cells, etc., from the ear canal. However, sometimes, your body can overproduce ear wax that may lead to buildup or blockage in the ear canal. In this blog, we would share how doctors can help to remove ear wax blockage. Though one can use various tools at home to remove ear wax buildup, we suggest you consult healthcare professionals at a Nashville family clinic. They have experience and expertise and carry out the process safely without causing any harm.

Symptoms of earwax blockage

The following are some of the symptoms you may experience as a result of earwax blockage.

  • Temporary hearing loss
  • Earache
  • Dizziness
  • Ringing in the ear
  • Sense of fullness in the ear

Treatment of earwax blockage

Now that we have discussed what earwax blockage is and its symptoms let us discuss the various ways your doctors at a medical clinic in Nashville can help treat ear wax blockage.

Curette removal method

Firstly, doctors would use an otoscope to check the location and amount of earwax buildup. Next, they would use a curette, a small curved instrument, along with suction to remove earwax from your ear.

Irrigation method

Another treatment for earwax blockage is the irrigation method. In this process, doctors at a sierra family healthcare clinic might add a few drops of hydrogen peroxide to your ear. It would help to soften the ear wax. Next, they would use water to flush the earwax buildup. Avoid performing it at home. A medical practitioner knew the appropriate water pressure they must apply to carry out the process. If required, they might advise you to add ear drops for a few weeks before visiting them for the process. It applies when the one-time application of hydrogen peroxide is not sufficient to soften the earwax buildup.

Rubber ball syringe

In this method, you would have to point your affected ear upward. Then, your doctor would slowly add few drops of warm water to your ear. After some time, your doctor would guide you to title your ear on the other side for water and ear wax to drip out. Sometimes, doctors might carry out this process multiple times to remove ear wax completely. Doctors would not carry out this method for patients with ear injuries such as a ruptured ear.

Due to the technicalities involved in all these methods, you must not carry them out at home under any circumstances. However, a medical practitioner at a family practice Nashville, TN, has sound knowledge about these methods. They can effectively and safely carry out these treatment procedures without harming any part of your ear.

Things you should avoid

Usually, earwax takes care of itself. However, in your attempt to clean your ear with easily available items such as cotton swabs, napkin corners, etc., you may end up pushing the ear wax deeper. Listen to your doctors when they advise you to avoid putting such smaller items in your ear. The reason is that they have the potential to hurt your eardrum or damage your hearing permanently.

Additionally, refrain from using ear candles. These are cone-shaped candles that people insert into the ear canal and lit a fire. The suction process would help to lift ear wax upward. This fire can injure you. We can understand the pain and discomfort you might experience as a result of earwax blockage. For your safety, we advise you to consult healthcare providers at a medical clinic in Nashville for this purpose.

Before carrying out any of these methods, your doctors would check your ear thoroughly. Be transparent with them, sharing the symptoms you are experiencing. If you have any existing ear injuries, do not forget to pass on the same information to them. Then, they would offer the appropriate treatment based on all these factors.


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