Why do you need Flu shots

The influenza virus is usually at large during the winter seasons. Flu is highly contagious that can cause hospitalizations and even deaths of patients. Hence, getting flu shots every year is critical to improving immunity against the virus. Even sometimes, you may not completely prevent flu; however, the vaccine might help reduce the severity of illness and further complications. You can visit a family clinic in Nashville to get annual flu shots. This blog will further discuss the benefits of flu shots.

Can you get Flu due to a Flu injection?

It's a common worry that many patients feel about whether flu shots can cause flu infection. Well, the answer to this question is that it is not possible. Flu vaccines contain inactivated form of the influenza virus that cannot cause the infection. Patients might experience the following temporary symptoms.

  • Mild fever
  • Chills or headache
  • The injected site appears red and swollen

Benefits of Flu injection

As flu vaccines evolve continuously, the last year's vaccine might not be effective in protecting you this year. Hence, new flu vaccines are made available every year to fight the rapidly adapting flu virus. The flu vaccine causes your immune system to produce antibodies against the viruses included in the vaccine. However, these antibodies might reduce over time. Therefore, you should visit a medical clinic in Nashville for both these reasons to get a flu shot every year. Let's learn about other benefits of the flu vaccine.

Flu prevention - As per CDC, flu vaccines are the most effective method to help you develop immunity against the flu.

Reduce the severity of Symptoms - It is still possible to get flu even after getting flu shots. However, in such cases, flu vaccines help reduce symptoms' severity.

Reduce the risk of Hospitalization - Another benefit of getting flu shots is that it can reduce the risk of influenza-related health complications or hospitalization for 

  • Seniors
  • Pregnant women
  • Children
  • People with chronic diseases such as diabetes, cardiovascular disease, and chronic lung disease

Protection within the Community - Flu vaccines help protect the person vaccinated against flu and prevent the spread of the disease. As a result, getting a flu shot can offer extended protection to those too young to get vaccinated. 

Tips to reduce the risk of Flu

The flu vaccine is your first step to developing immunity against the flu. In addition, doctors at a sierra family healthcare clinic also suggest the following preventive measure to reduce the risk of flu in patients.

  • Use water and soap to wash your hand thoroughly for at least 20 seconds
  • If soap and water are not available, use an alcohol-based hand sanitizer instead
  • Avoid being in company with those who are sick
  • Avoid touching your eyes, nose, and mouth
  • When coughing or sneezing, remember to cover your mouth with a tissue or elbow. Further, remember to wash your hands.
  • Regular disinfect and clean high-contact areas such as doorknobs, light switches, counters, etc.
  • Practice proper health and hygiene such as healthy eating, getting adequate sleep, drinking plenty of fluids, etc
  • If you get the flu, stay at home and keep your distance from others to prevent the spread of the flu.

Therefore, following all these healthy habits can help you protect against the flu to a great extent. Besides, you must ensure that everyone in your family, including you, should get flu shots annually for continued protection against the virus.


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