Sports Physicals – How to prepare?

 Sports Physicals or Pre-Participation Exam (PPE) is not an alternative to annual physicals. Instead, it helps examine a child athlete’s health condition to determine whether they can safely participate in specific sports. Besides, they can also help identify if your child has a higher risk of injury, illness, etc., when playing sports. Hence, you should visit a family clinic Nashville for your child’s sports physicals.

Irrespective of your child’s age or the specific sports they want to participate in, sports physicals are critical to - 

  • Assess your child’s physical fitness level
  • Record pre-existing injuries
  • Identify high-risk medical conditions
  • Determine their current health status

What to expect during sports physicals?

Sports Physicals comprise the medical history and physical examination. You can discuss with your doctor at a medical clinic in Nashville as a part of your child’s medical review about their –

  • Known allergies
  • Ongoing medications
  • Chronic health conditions
  • Past hospitalizations
  • Previous injuries, such as sprains and fractures
  • Complete cardiovascular history

As a part of your child’s physical examination, your doctor will perform the following health tests.

  • Essential health evaluation – Your doctor will evaluate your child’s health, weight, blood pressure, heart rate, etc. In addition, they will also check your child’s ear, nose, throat, lungs, abdomen, etc.
  • Heart – Your doctor will also look for signs of possible heart ailments that might worsen due to exertion associated with playing sports.  
  • Vision – This test will help determine whether your child will need corrective eyewear when playing sports. 
  • Musculoskeletal exam – Your doctor will check your child’s posture, muscle strength, joint stability, mobility, etc.

Tips to prepare for your child’s sports physicals

Both the medical history and physical examination are essential aspects of Sports Physicals. Now that you know what each of these components includes, let's discuss how you can prepare for your child's sports physicals.

Medical history 

It helps gather critical information about your child’s health to identify your child’s risk of experiencing possible health issues when playing sports. 

In the beginning, you will receive a medical form of your child's sport physical. You must complete the health history portion with accurate information before your appointment. This section includes questions related to your child's 

  • Personal and medical history
  • Family health history
  • Present chronic health issues

Besides, you must acquire the following details from your child’s pediatrician and bring them on the day of your appointment at a sierra family healthcare clinic for sports physicals.

  • Updated immunization record
  • List of ongoing medication
  • Past medical clearance letters
  • Complete medical transcript

You may also bring the following health records with you on the day of the exam.

  • Details of prior bone, joints, and head injuries
  • Details of known allergies and their severity levels
  • Details of past illnesses and present conditions
  • Details of prior hospitalizations and surgeries
  • Use of corrective lenses – glasses or contact lenses

Besides checking these health records, your doctor may ask questions about symptoms your child may experience during physical exertion, such as headaches, dizziness, shortness of breath, chest pain, etc. 

Besides, you should inform your doctor about the details of your child's family medical history. It includes a history of possible heart ailments, unexplained fainting or seizures, etc.

Physical exam

Next, your doctor will consider all this information and perform the needed health exam. It includes checking pulse rates, blood pressure, weight, vision, lungs, abdomen, etc.

Your doctor at a family practice Nashville, TN, will consider your child’s health records and physical examination results to determine whether they can safely play specific sports. If the reports reveal possible health issues, your doctor may suggest visiting a specialist for further assistance.


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